Saturday, 21 July 2012


                                   UNIX ASSIGNMENT 1  Answers

Question 1: Write a command to list all the files inside a folder i.e. if there is a folder inside a folder then it should list all files inside the sub-folder which is inside the folder to be listed.
Answer 1: ls –R
Question 2: Search all the files which contains a particular string, say “include” within a folder.
Answer 2: for i in *.*; do grep -l include $i; done
Question 3: Rename all the files within a folder with suffix “Unix_” i.e. suppose a folder has two files a.txt and b.pdf than they both should be renamed from a single command to Unix_a.txt and Unix_b.pdf
Answer 3: for i in *.*; do mv $i Unix_$i; done ;
Question 4: Rename all files within a folder with the first word of their content(remember all the files should be text files. For example if a.txt contains “Unix is an OS” in its first line then a.txt should be renamed to Unix.txt
Answer 4 : for i in *.txt; do j= "$(head -1 $i | cut -f1-d" ").txt"; mv "$i" "$j"; done
Question 5 : Suppose you have a C project in a folder called “project”, it contains .c and .h files, it also contains some other .txt files and .pdf files. Write a Linux command that will count the number of lines of your text files. That means total line count of every file. (remember you have to count the lines in .txt files only)
Answer 5 : wc -l *.txt
Question 6 : Rename all files which contain the sub-string 'foo', replacing it with 'bar' within a given folder.
Answer 6 :for i in ./*foo*; do mv "$i" "${i//foo/bar}";done
Question 7 : Show the most commonly used commands from “history”. [hint: remember the history command, use cut, and sort it.
Answer 7 : history |cut -f6- -d" " | sort

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